We specialise in Party Wall matters and we are a member of the Faculty of Party Wall Surveyors.

We can offer assistance if you are a Building Owner intending to carry out works to your property, or act as your surveyor if you are an Adjoining Owner where works are being carried out on the property next door. In some instances, we can also as an an Agreed Party Wall Surveyor where both the owner and neighbour/s agree to use a single surveyor to resolve a dispute.

So why and when would you need the services of a Party Wall Surveyor?

A Party Wall Surveyor may be used if you are planning works to a party wall and the act requires you to notify your neighbour of the nature of the works. Semi-detached and terraced properties all have party walls. Apartments have Party Wall Structures i.e, floors/ceilings between flats. However, a Party Wall Notice may still need to be served for a detached property if works are in proximity. The nature of the works can include:

  • excavations in proximity (3 metre or 6 metre rule)

  • alterations or repairs to an existing party wall or party wall structure

  • construction of new walls or buildings up to or astride of the line of junction or boundary.

Similarly, a Party Wall Surveyor can be appointed if you are an adjoining neighbour disputing the works. The Party Wall Act 1996 seeks agreement between all parties so that works can be carried out appropriately, negating any disputes.

We cover both residential domestic and commercial premises and it is essential that our expert advice is sought before any building works are commenced. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the person/s carrying out the building works to serve notice upon the adjoining party to obtain consent.

Where a neighbour disputes works being carried out, it is the role of the Party Wall Surveyor/s to produce and serve a Party Wall Award. The Party Wall Award will outline the nature of the works, the manner and how any damage or temporary works will be dealt with. This is a legal document that includes a Schedule of Condition which is a record of the condition of the adjoining property prior to works commencing and this is served to all parties.

The Party Wall Act is a means of protection for preventing or resolving disputes. We are here to help and can offer complete guidance.

We offer a comprehensive service for the preparation of party wall awards, including party structure notices and excavation notices, for private residential property, offices and shops in the Home Counties & London area. We can act for Building Owners, Adjoining Owners independently as well as acting on behalf of both parties.

If you have a property or commercial premises and you feel that your works may affect the adjoining owner or you are an adjoining owner concerned about works next door, please contact us for further details of how we can assist you.